During July and August 2020 we continuously evaluated 17 endpoint protection products using settings as provided by the vendor. We always used the most current publicly-available version of all products for the testing. They were allowed to update themselves at any time and query their in-the-cloud ...
BROCENT HRM manages the training program and certification for all nominated technicians. Only certified technicians are authorized to attend remote and/or onsite support activities. Such program covers for all technical team member including but not limited GSD Service Desk Team, TSC Second Line Su...
BROCENT wins the IT Relocation Project, that supports clients to survey, contingency plan, move, stack &rack and finally resume all IT infrastructure in the new office. 9 Hours with 12 experienced IT engineers' effort completes the delivery of the whole relocation service, 17:30 till 2...
Daily journey - Dispatching &Delivering Field Service in 6 Cities. It starts with a busy day, believe the whole team will run till midnight today. Wish all the best to all zone team members
09:00 A.M - Hong Kong, Kwun Tong | Troubleshooting on Server Controller