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    Delivery IT Security Enhancement & Solutions

INDUSTRY Manufacture Sector

​Both Back Office and Manufacturing Plant

IOT Sector

Ocean Cargo

Medication Plant

Aerospace Sector

Rail Manufacturing

Energy Renovation

Vehicle Manufacturing


IT Security Management in Manufacturing Plants

Prevent data leakage to any unauthorized party

Manage the internal resource access right

Preventively manage network availability

Ensure all Endpoint are well protection

Data encryption to avoid data leakage

Only authorized user can remotely access resource

govern the email security from phishing

Backup business data into cloud for BCP

IT Assessment & Remediation Plan

                         IT MANAGED SECURITY SOLUTIONS

                             Data Security, Endpoint Security and Reliable IOT Network

Security Assessment

BROCENT Consultants use the IT automation tool and IT risk analysis tool to perform the onsite survey of collecting all information of IT Asset, Configuration, Settings, License and IT governance fact of sheet. 

This works as the fundamental data of further analysis outputting the remediation plan.

IT Risk Identification

In the process of IT analysis, various risk will be detected and will be categorized into different Risk Rank Group. Only critical risk will be identified as "Immediate Action Plan" to remediate the risk, while other risk groups will be planned into the mid-terms IT plan in line with the business IT Budget.

IT Remediation Plan

IT remediation plan is based on the acknowledgement of business impact and threat. All risk items with critical disruption to business data integrity have to be addressed immediately, that BROCENT consultant will present the findings to business owner advising the potential impact, cost and plans.


Enforce All Group IT Technology and Policy to integrate IT into Unified Management

Active Directory
BCP Data Backup
Active Directory

 Active Directory (AAD)

    In most manufacturing plants, an on-premise or cloud based Active Directory infrastructure is setup to manage all internal IT User account and password policy. Usually this AD(or AAD) is integrated as part of global Domain infrastructure for the purpose of centralized management and technical redundancy purpose, that is being said, a MPLS or IPSEC Tunnel based VPN network is essential to link up all regional server & system resource.
    BROCENT consultant supports client IT HQ and local IT team to walk through the IT requirement and setup the local Infrastructure into global diagram.

 Antivirus Protection

    Endpoint IT security is the critical management on daily IT operation, while Antivirus protection is more fundamental security governance to make sure all desktop computer, mobile laptop and BYOD devices are better governance from the external and internal malicious technical attacks.
    BROCENT setup the private cloud infrastructure hosting Kaspersky, Webroot and Symantec to manage all endpoint security from attacks and compromising exclusively for satellite offices and uses.
BCP Data Backup

BCP - Cloud Data Backup

The purpose of data backup is to ensure the the data's recoverability when the critical business data is deleted by mistake, or the entire storage data is missing due to hardware failure. As per BROCENT perspective, the data backup plan is usually not in place or exercised properly in Asia region, and causes potentially business at risk.
BROCENT consultant works on Group IT standard to define the backup solution and plan running and examining the backup operation correctly in order. Extending the on-premise backup, BROCENT also setups the backup data from on-premise server to the cloud storage, or backup the data in the cloud to other alternative cloud storage to achieve the business contingency purpose.