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Successful IT Professional Services

Customers and projects

IT environment construction and operation and maintenance of Greelane Beijing office

Author: Jack Zhang, AM Director of Brocent
Project Background

Greenlane is a China-focused equity management firm that invests in high-quality companies with superior organizational capabilities. 
Client Location: Chaoyang District, Beijing
Project Background: The client started building their new office in August 2021 and moved in in November. Need to build a sound, compliant IT environment. 

The Challenge

 Equipment selection. 
Due to the geographical restrictions of IT manufacturers, the model of IT equipment used in Hong Kong can not be local only enough, if imported to the mainland, the cost rises. 

 Network Design. 
Many broadband access methods, customers can not screen ISP qualification, product performance. 
Weakness construction quality is not monitored by a professional team and is risky. 

 Equipment procurement. 
Network equipment/UPS/PC and other IT infrastructure products, many purchase channels, it is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake. 
Customers do not have a professional team responsible for IT equipment installation and commissioning 
External IT companies are mixed 


Several meetings with the client's IT team in Hong Kong to design a solution for the client based on their industry requirements.
  • Supervision of weak power projects. 
  • Weak power design and optimization 
  • Product verification 
  • Quality monitoring 
  • Network measurement and acceptance