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Education Industry

Blog tagged as Education Industry

Is Your Online Shopping App Invading Your Privacy?
Often people get excited and install an app without checking privacy practices. Apps can collect more data from your smartphone than you realize. Whether you use your phone for personal use, business use, or both, your data can be at risk. So can your privacy.
11.07.23 09:09 AM - Comment(s)
AD-HOC POBS Token Service Billing Rule
ADHOC POBS Token Service Refers to the service billing model "Bill client Per Occurrence”, in short, it is the type of POBS Service. This document presents the general terms &conditions for the POBS services.
23.06.23 08:56 AM - Comment(s)
Business Email Compromise Jumped 81% Last Year Learn How to Fight It
Why is it important to pay particular attention to BEC attacks? Because they’ve been on the rise. BEC attacks jumped 81% in 2022, and as many as 98% of employees fail to report the threat.
14.06.23 07:39 AM - Comment(s)
10 Tips to Help Small Businesses Get Ready for the Unexpected
What would you do if your business suffered a ransomware attack tomorrow?
09.06.23 01:34 AM - Comment(s)
What Is PUSH-BOMBING& How Can You Prevent It?
Cloud account takeover has become a major problem for organizations. Think about how much work your company does that requires a username and password. Employees end up having to log into many different systems or cloud apps.
30.05.23 09:01 AM - Comment(s)
Is It Time to Ditch the Passwords for More Secure Passkeys?
Passwords are the most used method of authentication, but they are also one of the weakest.
26.05.23 05:06 AM - Comment(s)
How to Create Insightful Dashboards in Microsoft Power BI
Creating holistic and insightful reports requires the use of several data points. One tool that enables this is Microsoft Power BI.
23.05.23 01:09 PM - Comment(s)
7 Smart Ways to Secure Your Wireless Printer & Keep Your Home Network Safe
Are you wondering how exposed your network is from your printer? We’ve got some security tips below to help. These tips can enable you to better secure your network, which keeps data on all devices more secure.
09.05.23 06:28 AM - Comment(s)
6 Immediate Steps You Should Take If Your Netflix Account is Hacked
Netflix is one of the most popular and well-known streaming services.
05.05.23 02:19 AM - Comment(s)
Have You Had Data Exposed in One of These Recent Data Breachese
Data breaches are an unfortunate part of life.
28.04.23 01:24 AM - Comment(s)