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How Brocent Controls the Cost and Rewards a High Quality IT Managed Service to Customer

29.01.24 01:29 AM By heather.zhang

How Brocent Controls the Cost and Rewards a High Quality IT Managed Service to Customer

Brocent is a leading IT managed service provider in Asia, with over 15 years of experience in delivering professional, reliable, and cost-effective IT solutions to various industries. Brocent’s mission is to help its customers transform their IT infrastructure, discover IT value, and achieve business success. In this post, we will share some of the strategies that Brocent uses to control the cost and reward a high quality IT managed service to customer.

Strategy 1: Define and monitor service level agreements (SLAs)

Brocent understands the importance of setting clear and realistic expectations with its customers, and ensuring that they are met or exceeded. That is why Brocent defines and monitors service level agreements (SLAs) with its customers, which specify the scope, quality, and metrics of the service provided, as well as the penalties for non-compliance.to track and optimize its IT service management metrics, and to provide transparent and timely reports to its customers. Brocent also conducts regular reviews and audits of its SLAs, and adjusts them as needed to reflect changing customer needs and market conditions.

Strategy 2: Use the right tools and automation

Brocent leverages the power of tools and automation to streamline its processes, reduce errors, increase efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction. Brocent uses tools such as Manage Engine MSP to manage its customer service,  to learn best practices and tips for selling managed services, and various cloud platforms to provide flexible and scalable IT solutions. Brocent also uses automation to perform routine tasks, such as backups, updates, patches, and security checks, and to alert its staff of any issues or anomalies. By using the right tools and automation, Brocent can control its operational costs, improve its service quality, and deliver faster and better results to its customers.

Strategy 3: Train and empower its staff

Brocent recognizes that its staff are the backbone of its IT managed service, and that they play a vital role in delivering high quality service to its customers. Therefore, Brocent invests in training and empowering its staff with the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to perform their tasks effectively and efficiently. Brocent provides its staff with regular feedback, recognition, and rewards, and creates a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Brocent also empowers its staff to make decisions and take actions that are in the best interest of the customer, and to communicate openly and honestly with the customer. By training and empowering its staff, Brocent can boost their morale, motivation, and productivity, and reduce turnover and attrition.

Strategy 4: Collect and act on customer feedback

Brocent values customer feedback as a key source of information and insight to understand its customer’s needs, expectations, and satisfaction, and to identify any gaps or issues in its service. Brocent collects customer feedback through various channels, such as surveys, reviews, testimonials, referrals, and social media. Brocent also analyzes and acts on the feedback it receives, and uses it to improve its service quality, customer loyalty, and retention. Brocent strives to exceed its customer’s expectations, and to provide them with a positive and memorable experience.

We hope this post helps you to understand how Brocent controls the cost and rewards a high quality IT managed service to customer.If you are interested in learning more about Brocent’s IT managed service offerings, please visit our website or contact us. Thank you for reading. 😊.
