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On-going Service for Aircraft Manufacture

26.07.16 05:06 AM By jack.zhang

On the 26th July, 2016, Brocent help desk received the emergent service request to break-fix for one critical IBM servers in Beijing suburban area. Before technical departs to the site, the service expert made the analysis of the incident, and identified several resolutions and prepared some parts (Spare Servers, Motherboard and PSU).

This server is critical for client which provisioning service for production department. Hardware failure will stop the production and definitely cause production loss.

Help Desk Response Time: 7:24 A.M, 26th, July

Onsite team response Time: 7:55 A.M, 26th, July

Parts &Resolution Preparation till: 8:30 A.M, 26th, July

FE presents onsite till: 9:30 A.M, 26th ,July

First onsite feedback: 10:00 A.M, 26th, July

First time of resolution: 10:20 A.M, 26th, July.

Congratulation to the team. Your expertise wins time for client's production, and wins the respect of your quality service. BRAVO!!
