- Do not share or print passwords.
- Do not include passwords in emails.
- Do not publish password lists on third party public website.
- Do not leave your computer unlocked when you step away.
- Do not use personal email or employer email domains to contact End User.
- Do not discuss information about your employer or employment conditions, inc. salary.
- Do not discuss disagreement with BROCENT/Customer/End Customer processes.
- Do not publish Customer processes and documents on third party public website.
- Except where expressly permitted in writing, do not use portable media to access, transfer or maintain customer data.
- Do not hire Staff without proper background checks.
- Do not use Staff that are not employed or contracted by you.
- Do not interfere in conversations amongst End Users.
- Do not share your opinion about BROCENT/Customer/End Customer's organisation.
- Do not discuss political issues, religious issues or beliefs.
- Do not discuss any challenges you encounter in the service with the End Customer/End Users.
- Do not ask Customer how to carry out tasks. Contact your BROCENT representative.
- Do not be too sociable with End Customer/End User.
- Do not carry firearms, weapons, arms and ammunitions to Customer/End Customer premises or while attending Tickets.
- Do not listen to music, play games while working at Customer/End Customer premises/attending the Ticket.
- Do not sit in the customer area when the Service Desk is unable to take your call. Find a quieter area, if possible.
- Do not come to End Customer premises/attend a Ticket under the influence of alcohol/drugs.
- Do not eat at the desk, or while attending Tickets.
- Do not use personal laptop to connect to Customer/End Customer’s network unless specifically asked to do so in writing by the BROCENT service desk, Customer or End Customer. If using your own computer, ensure it has up to date anti-virus and firewall with the most recent version and interim releases of virus definition files.
Field Support Service - Code of Conduct II
26.12.22 07:41 AM