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  • MDM and BYOD Solutions

    MDM (Mobile Device Management) and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) management, essential for today's corporate offices

    BROCENT can provides professional services and software to tailor MDM and BYOD solutions for enterprises

What is MDM (Mobile Device Management) and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)? What are they?

What is MDM (Mobile Device Management)

MDM is the process of enhancing enterprise data security by monitoring, managing and securing mobile devices such as laptops, smartphones and tablets used in the enterprise. mdm stands for mobile device management, and modern mobile device management tools help IT administrators ensure the required configuration, permissions and resources are available for the mobile devices used to do their jobs.
Mobile device management solutions allow IT teams and administrators to control and distribute security policies to the mobile devices that access sensitive corporate data in their organizations, securing the corporate network. With more employees using one or all of these devices, organizations of all shapes and sizes are now turning to mobile device management to enhance data and network security and improve employee productivity. MD M solutions enable IT administrators to configure enterprise-level security policies on mobile devices to make them enterprise-ready.

What is BYOD(Bring Your Own Device)

BYOD refers to carrying one's own device to work, these devices include personal computers, cell phones, tablets, etc. (and more often refers to mobile smart terminal devices such as cell phones or tablets). BYOD shows a bright future office scenario by allowing employees to log in to company emails and online office systems at airports, hotels, coffee shops, etc., regardless of time, location, devices, people, or network environment.
Many companies are considering allowing employees to bring their own smart devices to use internal applications. The goal is to meet employees' own pursuit of new technology and personalization while improving employee productivity and reducing the cost and investment in mobile devices. To support BYOD and meet the requirements of enterprise-level data security and stable operation
Because the devices in BYOD projects belong to employees rather than enterprises, it is very important to define the scope of IT management in BYOD projects and precisely distinguish enterprise data from personal privacy. In terms of technology, mobile terminal management software needs to support the security separation of enterprise data and personal data, and in terms of management system, enterprises need to clearly agree with employees on the responsibilities and obligations of both parties.

Mobile Device Management - Overview

Mobile Device Management (MDM) enables IT administrators to securely monitor and manage mobile devices that access sensitive business data. It includes storing basic information about mobile devices, determining which applications can be present on the device, locating the device, and protecting the device in the event of loss or theft. With the growing popularity of mobile devices, mobile device management (MDM) solutions have evolved into enterprise mobility management (EMM) solutions.

Mobile devices now have more capabilities than ever before, which has ultimately led many organizations to adopt mobile-only or mobile-first workforces. In these types of environments, both personally and company-owned mobile devices are the primary devices used to access or interact with company data. To simplify the management of mobile devices, many organizations use third-party mobile device management (MDM) software

Why is an MDM solution important?

The primary purpose of enterprise MDM or mobile device management is to allow businesses to focus on improving employee productivity by allowing them to access company data anytime, anywhere using company or personally owned mobile devices.MDM solutions can help achieve this goal in a seamless and streamlined manner. Here are a few ways in which mobile device management software makes overall device management easier for administrators.
- Easy to deploy
MDM solutions can be deployed locally or in a private or public cloud environment, facilitating organizations to choose the deployment method that fits their business-specific needs.
- Efficient Integration
Many MDM solutions integrate seamlessly with help desk ticketing software, application development tools and other business solutions.
- Manage multiple device types
Simplified mobile device management requires managing multiple operating systems such as iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, tvOS and Chrome OS, as well as multiple device types such as tablets, laptops and smartphones.

Why manage BYOD devices?

How to manage BYOD devices?

While mobile devices and a BYOD culture help make employees more productive, it also increases the potential for data breaches, as mobile devices are easily lost or stolen and personally owned devices may not provide the same level of security as hosted enterprise devices. IT administrators must ensure that the required security policies are in place and that users do not use unauthorized devices to access company data. This is where Bring Your Own Device Management or BYOD management plays a critical role.
While drafting BYOD policies and educating employees on BYOD best practices can reduce the chances of data breaches and unauthorized data access, organizations must also consider the overall management of personally owned devices. The easiest way to manage a BYOD setup is to use a BYOD management solution (BYOD MDM). A good BYOD software provides organizations with a unified console to manage devices, apply security policies, distribute enterprise-approved applications, and share needed corporate content. It can also help IT administrators streamline device maintenance and deconfigure devices when employees leave the organization by ensuring that all corporate data is wiped from the device.

BROCENT can provide customized MDM & BYOD management software for enterprises

For example, the following software is available for your reference